Originally posted by Red River Ranger:
I think he puts the Sons of Confederate Veterans on his list of Neo-Confederate groups because that's what they are: Neo-Confederates. In more than one interview I believe that the SCV have identified themselves as such. The problem with SPLC in this regard is that they see no difference between the Klan and Neo-Confederate groups.
Good point here. The collectivists and imperialists always try to link the Klan (a modern Northern institution) with the Southern Movement. It is just a smear campaign, no different than linking Anti-tax, Anti-FED, and Pro-liberty activists with domestic terrorists. I would say I am a Civic Southern Nationalist. Love of the Confederacy (which I do) is mostly nostalgia. What ever the new state (even a reconfigured United States) that comes to represent the legitimate liberty aspirations and the Right to Self-Determination of the Southron People will not likely be a New Confederate States of America; even if it is a confederation. If a desire for national self-determination is racism then the UN Charter is a racist document.
Originally posted by ConSigCor:

The Confederate on the other hand will not apologize and in fact will tell you that there is no such thing as the "Lost" Cause. He still hates the yankee government in Washington just as much if not more so than his ancestors did. And, he would be more than willing to "do it again" at the drop of a hat.
I guess I am sort of a "Confederate," then, since I am more than ready to do it again ;-)
