My reply tp the SPLC article and comments by their loonies on their blog

greywolf said,
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on March 5th, 2010 at 4:31 pm

It amazes me to see some many buying the premise of the article, that somehow we the militia’s of the States our the problem.
Then I keep hearing this argument that somehow we were not vocal during the Bush years. We were always speaking out. But with the Media being controlled by either the left or the right, we were not given anytime on the news. It only now has become a story, why? Because the left is in control to the government, and they need an enemy. So now we are news worthy again. Most of us have been here since before the 90’s. We tolerated the lies about we were somehow connected to OKC bombing and other things. But we are not extremist as the left likes to call us. The right likes to say we are just lone nuts. As all of you can see we are many.
I would like to know since when did believing in the Constitution and what the founders stood for make someone an extremist? Since when did someone like the oathkeepers become an extremist group. They are former and present law enforcement and military, who have take an oath to keep the oath they took when they join their service. You remember don’t you “To protect and defend the Constitution”. That’s what they stand for. They will not do anything to the people that violated that oath. What is wrong with that?
I am a militia man proud of too. I believe in the founders ideas and the Constitutional republic that gave us. I know that the militia is just every able bodied man between 17-45 years of age in that state. It is not the National Guard which is more under the control of the Federal government then the States as it should be. We are an union, a Constitutional republic made up of 50 separate States. IT is an unique situation that many of our young people are not taught and do not understand.
So we wish that our Constitutional Republic continue as it was founded. That’s what we in the militia stand for.

47 wolf pack militia
New Mexico

I don't think they understand that a State is a country on it's own and the United State is basically 50 country who united for practical reasons.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf