Sorry this one came first, it leads up to the one above.

greywolf said,

on March 12th, 2010 at 8:13 pm

I see you think that the federal government will just wipe us poor wannbe soldiers off the map. The problem with your argument is two fold. First the government trained about 90% of us. Most are Iraq Vets and or Vietnam Vets and a few grenada vets too. Most don’t just play soldier, you see it’s kinda like after Vietnam when guys came home to the mistreatment and formed Motorcycle clubs, Why? because thats where the felt like they belonged. But some formed militia units and live like they never left the military. They train and eat and sleep this stuff. So although out armed by present military forces, most of us know that a good portion of those military forces will join us rather then betray the Constitution. Many of them and us are oath keepers, To those who are unaware of what that means to a soldier or cop. That means we don’t care who’s in charge, we will not violate the oath we took to protect and defend the constitution. Nowhere in that oath did it say protect the government, or socialist, or polititians.
second. although we only carry an AR or AK, and only have our wits to get us by. We know because some of us have fought in wars. that small guerilla units can cause havoc on larger forces. Just ask our Vietnam Vets and Iraq vets. Yes in a conventional war with lines and artillary firing back and forth, we would be screwed. But That’s not what any man in his right mind would do. By the way It really bothers me when some socialist pacifist, who only thinks his cause is worth fighting for uses that same ol tired argument. ” hey your not going to be able to defeat the US military with small arms”. It shows me, that you would march right off to the re-education camps if a tyrannt took over.

My friend your a funny dude. I laughed my butt off. I wasn’t flexin my bother just get tired of hearing the same ol fat redneck crap. When I was in the military I took pride in my abilities and physical condition. I still do was all I was saying.
If you need viagra I am very sorry friend, maybe you should take some vitamins or find a better looking ol lady. It’s amazing how smart you all think you are. It is too bad your not as smart as you think.

As for my avatars, I have two…..One is a revolutionary war flag, the other is a pic of me on my scoot… Sorry to disappoint you redneck racist dream… but no swatikas or KKK emblems and I don’t even own a hood. better luck next time… Go back to your closet and get out your Che shirt and sit around drinking your latte and maybe things will work out and we all can become this commune style socialist utopia.

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf