I just want to be clear about my stand here: Our personal opinions should not ever allow the stifling of free speech or any other Constitutional right. Speak your mind and speak very loudly for what you believe in!!
I think we should be very careful about using tactics like calling speakers we don't agree with "agitators" and ones we do agree with "sane" and "peaceable".
I think it's great when we see a segement (an important one) of our society become disillusioned with the status quo. It, at the very least, provides the basis for a discussion like the one we are having here. It allows the opportunity for both good and bad ideas to be seen in the light of day.
I puy myself through college too. I did it while working 50 hrs/week and raising a family. If I mispelled any words here, I apologize. I hope the message is still seen as valid and serious.

Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond