Originally posted by jdog:
Originally posted by KIDGLOCK:
Originally posted by YoungPatriot:
[b] Well.... it starts again. Lumping the legitimate militia in with Neo-nazi, white supremacist, Hitler worshiping pieces of trash. This week has been sickening.
Easy slick , we have a member here who resembles that statement , yet is held in high regard . [/b]
just wondering who the member is your refering to? [/b]
I second that. KIDGLOCK, if you're going to throw accustions, name names. If you name names, you damn sure better be able to provide examples. There are enough baseless accusations about Patriots going around, we don't need them internally. Back up your words.

“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace”
-Thomas Paine