Originally posted by ConSigCor:
Former presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin noted last April that “if anyone has a legitimate reason to be disgruntled, it is America’s veterans.” Baldwin said veterans were ordered to fight a preemptive and unconstitutional war of aggression in Iraq “not for the safety and security of the American people, but for international bankers” and the United Nations. He also said medical care for veterans is deplorable and they are treated like second class citizens.

I found it interesting when a big deal was made about a TEA Party protester supposedly spitting on a congressman (he didn't). I was spat on twice in the space of about half an hour at an airport--while walking on crutches. These guys can dish it out, but they sure can't take it. smile

I'd sure like to know what critical skills Kristopher Sickles managed to pick up in his two months of service to his country. :rolleyes:

Onward and upward,