That's all good in concept, but we also have to face the fact that America's original consitutional militias had eventually dissolved by the early 20th century from simple lack of interest.

Even the modern National guard, which offers, pay, benefits, government funded equipment and training that is standardized with the regular military has issues with recruiting, retention, and quality of training resources. Now think of how that really ads up for those who would put all of those costs on individual volunteers.

That's where you end up with this "division" between the American Resistance Movement types and the "Boyscouts in cammies" types.

I think a real focus needs to remain on the maintenance of real civil rights organizations with the means to enforce the protection of civil rights through force if necessary. The problem with existing so called "civil rights" organizations right now is that so many of them are political agenda based, and quite frequently deeply connected with the police state apparatus.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.