Anyone who has seen the whole video and read the official reports couldnt possibly come to any other conclusion than these guys were bad guys. You run around with bad guys then you are liable to get shot at with them. These guys had rpg's,I've never seen private security carry rpg's but Im not goin to say they dont either. That being said the troops ON THE GROUND requested air support against this target. It wasnt as if these guys just flew up and said "hey heres some ragheads with guns lets shoot 'em" They flew in when requested reported the situation to the higher ups and then requested permission to engage. Maybe you could make a case against higher ups but not those on the ground or in the air. I think some of you guys here are letting your hate of your government color your facts. Whether you like what we are doing there or not has no bearing on what happen here. Our guys are there to do a job given them to do,and I personally cant stand our men and women in uniform being labeled JBT's when most of them have no intention of being such. I have many friends and family in the military currently and none would do anything they felt was illegal or immoral. Do they know of some in the military who would? Yes. But we all know someone like that,military or not. Some people just get a thrill out of weilding any kind of power given them,but thats the very small minority not by any means the majority. Thats my final words on this,I think I spent more than my allowed 2cents.

on beautiful Truman Lake