I didn't see no RPG. I watched it and all I could make out were a group of people getting shot up by 30mm. Repeatedly.

If they had AKs well, Iraq is literally filled with the rifles-and people who haven't a clue how to do anything more than blindly dump the mag on full auto.

It is a probability that the group the Apaches attacked were the wrong group. Iraqi insurgents fight in civilian dress, mask their heads and then dump their weapons and be civilians again. So that is a possibility as well.

War reporters will cover the war on the battlefield. That means sometimes being among enemy soldiers but the laws of warfare still apply. If this isn't a war then civilian rules of engagement apply-meaning no military it would be a couple SWAT teams.

To write off attacking children because they're in a war zone shows just how corrosive war is to the spirits of our fellow Americans. There have been Americans coming home who still wave the flag in support of the war, and aren't completely rabid. There are Americans who see the war for what it is(BLOODY FRAUD)and are a danger to themselves and others-and a lot of them are welcomed in police departments because their bosses want the American People crushed.

Yeah; this war was begun in lies and fraud and has ended up in the blood of thousands of Americans and over a million Iraqis. YOUR government has stunted an entire nation over a substance we don't have to use for our fuel but whom YOUR government and THEIR MASTERS have forced down our throats by their collective monopoly on manufacturing and technological development.

Alternative energy sources and technology are suppressed in order to maintain a dependency on our enemy-so when they shut down the supply of fuel the collapse will be all the more horrific. All the demons cultivated by this fraudulant war will be HERE engaging US with 30mm cannon fire.

Rambling? No it is all interconnected. See the situation for what it is and think and act accordingly.

Be your own leader
