It can become confusing.

The enemy has it divided among "right" and "left" when it is really enemies and allies.

By continuing the way things are currently if you are on the "right" you have to support the war expanded by Bush. To not do so means you do not "support the troops" or are a liberal commie. If you are on the false left you are opposed to this war.

Where it gets weird is when Bill Klinton did this exact same thing in Somalia and Bosnia the false right (people like Sean Hannity) was 100% opposed to using the military as the world's police force and the left considered anyone who question the President's directives was unAmerikan.

When a RepubliCON is in office the "right" goes to sleep no matter how much tyranny he promotes. The "left" does the same when a DemocRAT is in office.

When Bill Klinton was President I was a Nazi. When Bush was President I was a commie. My views didn't change at all. The globalist agenda didn't change. The decline of liberty didn't change. The destruction of this nation didn't change. Nothing changed when a different puppet became President either.

Remember whoever is the "right" candidate is a total shill. I can boldly state that now years ahead of the election. No matter what rhetoric they will speak they will continue to screw us and destroy this nation.

Rule #1 - You do not publically bad mouth a fellow patriot.

"Being innocent is simply not enough for the government," Denise Simon