"How To Raise Taxes Without the Consent of The American People!"

Folks, we all know that the current socialist driven administration is purposely taxing,(if not outright taking control of), every aspect of America,(especially anything that Americans may be Addicted To), such as tabacco(also one of the first taxes to be raised 40 percent as soon as obomba took office), fuels/power, food, air, housing, businesses/employment, etc, in order to grow a socialist and totalitarian government.

But let's just take gas and oil for a moment...
One of the fastest ways to raise taxes upon the American People without much contest is to take advantage of a crisis such as the gulf oil spill and even to make it far worse than it should have been.
Government must hire and or pay for thousands of employees to clean up this "Disaster" or whole state's economies will be nearly wiped out. These emergency government paid employees are paid through what normally have been tax monies.
But since all the other bailouts in this country, our government has had to either borrow the money on the international markets or deflate the US dollar further by simply printing more unbacked currency. (Both options seriously deflate the US Dollar and drive Americans further into government's debt!) Government benefits by raising the price of fuels because there is an 18 percent federal tax on gasoline and diesil fuel. Many states add an aditional tax of anywhere from 6 tp 18 percent on top of the federal tax.

Raise the price of gasoline/fuel and you most certainly raise the taxes Exponentially that the Citizens must pay. You could sell all your vehicles and never ride any gas/fuel driven transportation and you will still pay this very high tax increase because almost everything that is sold or made or grown in this country is done so with the movement through gas/fuel driven/powered vehicles.

Raise the taxes on gasoline and other fossil fuels and you will raise the taxes on absolutely everything bought and sold in this country! We The People will effectively be taxed right out of our very lives and our government will be the only benefactor of our losses and their huge proffits!


It is my firm opinion that obomba has only one intention with every action that his administration makes... to Bankrupt The American People and drive We The People Into Slavery of the Government!! These are his only proposals and this has certainly been his only track record to date!

I would be very interested to hear someone actually prove me wrong.



"Argue for your limitations, and in the end, when all is said and done, they're your's!"

"Sheeple & Shepherds, pick one! You can't be both no matter how you dress."

The higher ya go... the higher ya can get! Mountain Men Rock!