What you guys are saying is completely true and factual! Radical islam is a Demonic Cult that has NO respect for anybody other than themselves. [mu slimes must love other mu slimes but hate everything that isn't mu slime!]

As stated in their koran they are to cause terror in the hearts and minds of the Non-believers [infedels] with their barbaric thinking and ways.

So lets return the favor One-hundred fold!! Kill One-hundred of them for each and every person that has died at their hands so far or may in the future.

That should send them a wake up call real fast!!

Who gives a shit about the Ass-Holes? ? ?

The radicals sure don't care about any of us Americans other than as future targets to kill!!
So lets return the favor FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patriot 5

All that is necessary for evil to Triumph is that Good Men do Nothing!