D308cat I think you have a good understanding of what seems to be taking place. The and while I think what you say sure comes into play I also see radical islam and their sharia law gaining a greater foot hold in our nation as well as beginning to try and control our monetary system so these devils are a much greater threat than many think and don't forget who's behind them, Saudi Arabia.

Myself, I think that islam is attempting or planning on being the NWO! Just look at what's taking place within our nation as we speak.

The muslims, moderates & radical muslims are very hard to seperate and in many ways may well be one and the same.

Contrary to the way some think this nation, very probably through the Milita, had damn well better get real tough fairly soon as the longer we wait the more difficult it's going to be. Nip it in the bud or as soon as possible to alleviate the larger battle.

What DBL points out is also very true! islam is an ideaology that has religious doctrins mixed in but it drasticly diffeerent from Christianity and the two can never mix together, that's been proven before.

From everything I head and read about how barbaric radical islam is they are no one to be trusted in the least especially when the koran tells them to lie to all non-believers if it helps to further their cause of the dominace of their Devil Cult.

The koran dictates what they must do and is behind most all their actions. They are a very big problem themselves and only serve to create added enemies to contend with.

Sniper seems to also have a good grip on what's happening.

What we are facing is no easy task to say the least and I know the muslims in most cases would just as soon slit our throats and look at us and anyone that doesn't believe this is a damn fool.

We could easily be faced with a three or four pronged attck which includes the info afore mentioned by D308Cat and the others.

I knew, at least a bit, a lady friend who did biblical research and was very aware of what was going on with radical islam and the fact there was going to be a tremendous clash but she said that we as Christians would prevail as long as we kept our faith and didn't give in.

Be vigilant and ban together as much as possible, there's safety in numbers.

God Bless us all and God Bless the U.S.A. sans the terrorists and despots!

Patriot 5

All that is necessary for evil to Triumph is that Good Men do Nothing!