I see a few things about the initial article that aren't correct from all I read and listened to about the Koran & Sharia.

First off Mohammed is the single creator of the Koran and the one that laid out all the Sharia codes/Laws to live by within it. Sharia/h is the radical side of Islam but they have control as they are very violent ones and most everyone is fearful of them.

Sharia is not open for interpretation like the Christian, Hebrew and other religions. Sharia dictates what the followers of Islam must do and abide by, there is no questioning what the Koran says, you do it or are subject to punishment!

That's why, to the Muslims, 'It's their way or No Way'!!

The men are king of a relationship and abuse of the wife, a second class citizen, is allowed according to the Koran.

It also instructs the believers of Islam that it is ok to lie to the infidels/Non-believers or us.

Hope this fills in the blanks a bit?

Patriot 5

All that is necessary for evil to Triumph is that Good Men do Nothing!