As very well we all know, this federal case and the government "posers" that are bringing it against AZ should be laughed clear out of the 9th Circuit Court,(if not this Country, altogether). And it very well may be done just that way, laughed right out, legally. But not until after millions of dollars have been spent in attorneys and other costs that all the American Taxpayers will foot the bill for.

Even then, it will be appealed and end up waiting to be heard by the SCOTUS, and after quite some time,(instead of simply being again, laughed out of court), it just may be heard. Even IF the final ruling is in total favor of the State of AZ, the ruling will matter little. This administration's goal is to bankrupt the American People, AND the States we all live in. This suit, possible appeal, and even a possible favorable SCOTUS ruling will change nothing, except to waste precious taxpayers and states time and most of all taxpayer's money!

The border will never be properly guarded, and this whole damned orchestrated circle-jerk will achieve little beyond this administration's goal of "Amnesty For Illegal Aliens". Dare NO American here forget this one fact, this administration IS stacking our government and all courts against We The People and our Rights and our Constitution! Which leaves more than a mere 'danger' that the BS fed's suit against AZ could be upheld! Either way, We The People WILL loose!

The closet thing We The People can expect to true and proper "Immigration Reform" that this nation is slowing dying without action towards, is going to far more resemble, "Immigration Deformation and Distruction"!


(...And no, I didn't even stay in a Holiday Express Inn last night, but my dad is a PhD in Law and I have studied nearly as much, and this IS the current administration's track record to date!)


"Argue for your limitations, and in the end, when all is said and done, they're your's!"

"Sheeple & Shepherds, pick one! You can't be both no matter how you dress."

The higher ya go... the higher ya can get! Mountain Men Rock!