Originally posted by Sniper_762X51:
[b] ConSigCor
They are scared shitless of the coming backdraft.
I believe that is actually the truth.

After the bombing of the Federal Building in OKC a TV Reporter was interviewing a FBI Agent and the Agent said to the Reporter in response to a question about Militia involvement ”I hope to God that the Militia was not involved because if they were we are in trouble” Now I am not 100% sure he said the exact words “We Are In Trouble” but from what he said and the manner he said it sure seemed that he was really afraid of what would happen if the the FBI had to fight the Militia. I also believe that he was not officially authorized to speak for the FBI. So I think in that case he actually told the unscripted truth.

Even if this were not true it is reasonable to figure that some people in Federal Law Enforcement and or High Ranking Military Officers and others in the Administration fully understand the implications of what would happen if even 3% of the American Gun Owners decided to use their weapons to fight for freedom.

Yes they do FEAR US. [/b]
Well , seems me and 762 are on the same page on this issue . He uses 3% I have explained it down to 1% of guns owners taking a stand and the out come is not pretty , Thats 10,000 per state with a bee in their bonnet ................

Zombies don't eat RETARD , so you're safe .