Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke used the word "unsustainable" 3 times in his 4OCT2010 speech at the Annual Meeting of the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council.

Here is the most glaring excerpt:

"If current policy settings are maintained, and under reasonable assumptions about economic growth, the federal budget will be on an unsustainable path in coming years, with the ratio of federal debt held by the public to national income rising at an increasing pace."

Read the speech in its entirety at the link below:

Ben Bernanke\'s October 4th Unsustainable Speech

Imagrunt comments:

For those who do not yet realize it, history is replete with economic catastrophes, and as history so dictates, the greater the financial turmoil, the higher the likelihood of impending human warfare, which can be concurrently used as a fear-mongering distraction, as well as a "job creation" stimulus program.

Either way, the criminal banksters will profit by lending money to every side in the conflict.

When the fed chairman starts publicly referring to the current economic system, which he and his banking handlers have created, as unsustainable, be assured that we need to be on the alert for an increase in false flags, followed by sabre rattling, and finally, Epic World War.

IMO, this is the big one.

You have been alerted, and if you lack sufficient preps, this is your last opportunity.

I would gladly lay aside the use of arms and settle matters by negotiation, but unless the whole will, the matter ends, and I take up my battle rifle, and thank God that He has put it within my grasp.

Audit Fort Knox!