(CUI) Washington State Fusion Center Overview Brief


WSFC Mission

To support the public safety and homeland security missions of federal, state, local, tribal agencies and private sector entities by:
•Serving as the state’s single fusion center
•Detecting, deterring and preventing terrorist attacks
•Detecting, deterring and preventing significant criminal activity
•Performing threat assessment and information management services, including supporting the protection of critical infrastructure and key resources
•Providing support to all hazards preparation, planning, response, and recovery efforts

Mission of the WSFC CIKR Component

To enable the sharing of information and analysis that can assist all levels of government and CIKR stakeholder organizations (both public and private) in the performance of their public safety, security, continuity of operations, and disaster resilience responsibilities

“Suspicious Activity” Defined

Suspicious activity is observed behavior that may be indicative of intelligence gathering or preoperational planning related to terrorism or other criminal activity.

The focus is on behavior. [Linked Image]

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