What amazes me is that people really do think a gun ban would work in alleviating crime and such.

There is a ban on under-age drinking yet the under-age drinkers are still out there.

Certain controlled substances are illegal, such as cocaine and meth, yet the users are still out there.

If the criminal wants the gun they will get it.

Why can't they see this?

The only reason I can see for Gun control is to control us and turn us into subjects.

If that is to be the case, than I would rather be counted among the rebels when our Government starts to say "Lay down your arms, you damned rebels, and disperse,".


A Co 191st Bn 34th FF
Kansas Long Rifles


�An armed society is a polite society� ~ Robert A. Heinlein

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." ~ Thomas Paine