Originally posted by airforce:
Spokane Preosecutor Steve Tucker. He won't prosecute a deputy in the Spokane County Sheriff's Department for killing church 74-year-old church pastor and business owner Wayne Scott Creach. Why not?

Because Deputy Brian Hirzel "has more protection under the law" than some lowly average citizen.

...Hirzel shot Creach late on Aug. 25 in the parking lot of Creach’s greenhouse business in Spokane Valley. Hirzel was in an unmarked car and did not alert the business owner before parking there to watch for activity in the neighborhood in response to a neighbor’s call.

Alan Creach, the pastor’s son, said he and his brother, Ernie Creach, don’t believe investigators have taken the time to challenge key elements of the investigation regarding the few seconds in which the confrontation took place.

“I’m not surprised,” Creach said after meeting with Tucker and learning his decision. “A man is lying dead from protecting his own property. We were all under the impression that we were protected by amendments that allow us to protect ourselves and carry weapons without fear of losing our lives.” (...)
Onward and upward,
It has been said don't take the Law into your Own Hands, take them to Court, but what happens when there is no Justice for the common Citizen in the Courts, maybe the People will just take the Law into their Own Hands.

If a loved one was Murdered I would give the Legal System a chance to dispense Justice but if the System refused to give me Justice and especially if the Murderer had immunity then I would get Justice my own way.

And eventually the People are going to get so disgusted and sick that Cops are getting away with Murder and other crimes against the People that one or more people are going to snap and when that happens Cops will start dying. And this may be the start of the revolution.

Cops are among the most stupid and ignorant people, they are the ones who are too stupid to become Doctors and Lawyers and they are so stupid that they have no idea what will happen when the Pandora's Box is fully open. But they will eventually wish that they had never pushed the People beyond the limit of endurance, but by then it will be way too late.

What I don't understand is why at least some of the People have not already crossed the Line from Law Abiding Citizen to Outlaw.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)