It goes to show our mexican-american and african-american friends, that the left.

Obama, Holder and all the rest of the progressives care nothing about your well being.

They are using you for votes, and then push the drugs and guns into your neighborhoods for their own agenda.

You die, they grow stronger,. Why? just read the above posts.

Vote for progressives or Neo-Cons you lose your rights, your freedom and maybe your life.

only strict constitutionalists like Ron Paul will keep you free, if it's not too late.

On the original post, we need some of our Reps to investigate this and the TARP fund/ bail outs and every action taken since Obama, oh hell all the way back to GWB 43's first term. These criminals need to pay...

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf