Thanks ConSigCor. That book, Resistance to Tyranny should be mandated reading for all who call themselves militia, Militia Units, and each Committee of Safety should have multiple copies on hand. It is the only thing "product" you will find on my site, and I don't make a dime off of it...I promote it because it's that IMPORTANT. I personally have read it 15 times in the last 3 months, and I've re-listened to his 2 interviews (even though I interviewed him) numerous times.

If you want to make change, the Founders left a blueprint and a plan, for both peaceful and non-peaceful restoration, yet most ppl I speak to have never heard of that plan. We lay it out in those 11 90 min audios I mentioned. Step by step what the Founders did, and left for us to do, if we ever were facing tyranny.

By the way Con, thanks for your support. I promise to become much more active on the forum, and I'll keep making posts like this.

Freedom Is A Personal Responsibility And A Civic Duty!


You Have Tread On Me Radio, Real Militia Radio, With A Plan

randy_mack (Skype ID)