Oh, Schaeffer Cox.....I know him, I've had him on my show, and I've spoken with him a few times. I like what he's doing with the Liberty Bell System, and how he's organized his fellow citizens up there into the militia and thinking about a court system outside of the "authorized" system, yet when I spoke with him about Committees of Safety, and civil subordination he really didn't understand that. He's got the court system down, the Militia aspect, but if there is a "civil authority" aspect, it is minimal, and not a "representative" body that I could see from our conversations. I must say, he's done a good job with what he has done so far. I commend him for that wholeheartedly, and I often use him as an example of what can happen when ppl actually get off the computers, off the couch and back out into their communities, with a plan, and 110% effort to working that plan. He's a good man in my book.

Freedom Is A Personal Responsibility And A Civic Duty!


You Have Tread On Me Radio, Real Militia Radio, With A Plan



randy_mack (Skype ID)