I'm actually glad I'm already a member on this board. If I were a lurker or FNG, and keep seeing crap about the US being a corporation, etc., I would turn away and never look back. If our government adhered to the Constitution, I wouldn't give a crap if it were a corporation, LLC, or limited partnership. The problem is, they're not adhering to the Constitution; not respecting the limits of their power.

Sniper, I agree that we need to curb the conspiracy theories. Granted, I'm quite conspiracy minded myself, to the point that after Bin Laden was taken out, when I posted some of my theories to facebook, my dad, the next day, made it a point to inform me that there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll, but conspiracy theories should be backed with evidence, or they'll remain crazy theories and nothing else. It's a distraction from what's important.

“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace”
-Thomas Paine