More of the same, and this time with plenty of witnesses. Too bad the video is not more clear, and also too bad it would probably take more than one killing by the same officers in order to get any charges to stick.

Revolutionary field tribunals....lets hope the locals got names and faces put into the local intel files.

The wakeup call will only come when they finally tick off the wrong people in the wrong place and the followup videos get posted on scripts which are variations of the following:

(Voice from off camera)

"What is your name"

Beaten man in video answering to the voice

"__________ _______ "(fill in blank)

"what is your former occupation"

Beaten man:
"truck driver"

"You lying fuck, you know what this is about" (a rifle butt appears from off screen, as someone butt strokes the subject in the stomach) "in 2011, you worked fur ____ _____ police department and participated in the brutal beating death of ______ ______ which was a crime against the individual by the name of _________ ________ and due to your use of public authority in the furtherance of a crime of extreme violence was also a crime against the people of the United States of America and the State of ___________ and therefore under the authority of this tribunal. Due to exigent circumstances of the current revolution, this tribunal has found that while you personally participated in the creation of the circumstances of martial law, and the federal court system's inability and unwillingness to provide for any constitutionally protected rights, this court finds that your actions and the circumstances if your crime fall under an exception in constitutional law which allows for summary execution of justice. How do you plead?"

Beaten Man: "NOT GUILTY"

Voice: "Yeah, whatever fuckhead, say any prayers you want to say, too bad your people killed the court system a long time ago or else you would have just gotten a fair trial and done some prison time, maybe even gotten off by paying someone in a lawsuit."

Beaten man (mumbling)

A .45 automatic appears from off camera, in a gloved hand. Pointed at the side of the man's head, a shot rings out, the next view is of the bastard on the floor with a gaping head wound and blank expression on what is left of his face.

Sure, the death squad will eventually be hunted down by what is left of any government force in their zones of control, but I guarantee you that a compilation of a dozen such videos will result in some major change of policy at a hell of a lot of surviving law enforcement agencies.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.