SBL, the reason cops don't check the scumbags in the ranks is because they WON'T. You are what would be considered today the exception, and likely wouldn't be getting any more promotions or pay increases. Likely, they'd drive you out.

Remember: for every 'Terminator' there are a legion of hanger-ons and dick riders that will back up their enforcer. Those are the ones that are happy to have the badge and gun and get to bully Americans and subject them to the many horrors of the legal system, just for the hunt. They're attracted to the weak, the different, those out at oh-dark whatever. They're predators....

That's why when it comes down to it I'm treating any enemy installation or any ground the enemy occupies as a free-fire zone. Let the Oath Keepers clean house or get out of the way.

I'd prefer that anyone found guilty be thrown in a thunderdome, cage, pit-whatever and fight for their lives after being thouroughly interrogated. Likely won't happen until after major ground is gained...

...but if you want an education on making a 'message' video, just watch The Dark Knight when the Joker makes a video, has the Batman Impersonator. Not to precisely recreate it but to demonstrate that the enemy really has no power, are cowards. You demonstrate your power over them, state your purpose and demands and then you make your example.

Be your own leader