Originally posted by airforce:
Fullerton city officials have reportedly offered Kelly Thomas $900,000 to try to head off a lawsuit. (A city official reportedly told the parents they would have offered more, but their son was "no rocket scientist.")

The FBI has now confirmed it is launching an investigation into the death of Kelly Thomas.

Onward and upward,
No he was not a rocket scientist!He was a punching bag for the Fulleton P.D.This an example of the fascist police state hard at work in California.Your state may be next!

Here is a video w/audio from a bus stopping at the scene of the Beating/Murder.The passengers boarding the bus just witness the attack on Kelly Thomas.Who's father is a police officer(so if any one thinks their family will be safe when SHTF because they are in govn,think again).Listen to them describe the horrible beating/Murder in their own words.
