The bad thing about taking direct action against the cops, besides the fact that you stand a very good chance of being injured, imprisoned, or killed, is that it does nothing to deter the next badged murder. Those citizens you see waving signs in the face of the police officers are. Believe me, they are being heard.

And please, don't denigrate the actions these people are taking. They, too, are risking their lives. Think about it. If the cops are so out of control they will beat a helpless man to death, what makes you think they won't take some action against these folks? How hard would it be for some cop to plant some dope on one of them? And then, maybe, have them resist a little? Trust me, those protesters are doing their part.

We need to fight back but, more importantly, we need to fight smart. They have the badges and guns, but we have the internet, we have guns, and we have the numbers. The advantage belongs to us.

Onward and upward,