Perhaps we are missing a bigger picture. The Banksters are not doing this just to screw us over. That they do that is evident. However they have a bigger picture in mind.
Politics is not their venue it is the pavement on the road that they travel on. It is a sub-cost that they bear to increase their bottom line.
Lets look at a stock purchase. I reach into my wallet and pull out $1,000,000.00.(I wish) I use this to buy 100 shares of XYZ oil corp. Because I did this the corporate value of XYZ raises $1,000,000.00. Tomorrow based upon my purchase it will take $1,000,500.00 to buy the same 100 shares. On the next day I sell my 100 shares for $1,000,350.00.
The guy however who bought in at $1,000,500.00 just lost $500.00 and I made $350.00.
What if after I bought the 100 shares the Fed issued so much money(say $3 trillion) that it takes $1,000,600.00 for him to buy in? I can then sell for 1,000,500.00 and make even more. Especially if I know they are going to make the issue. That is what banksters are for. They tell me these things.
Then I take my $500.00 and I buy silver at $45.00 per oz. That gets me 11 ozs of silver to save and the bankster gets the change under the table for his information.
Then I start looking for another investment.
Since I pay cash and I know the bankster, or rather bribed him on the silver, he tells me the Fed is calling in their loan at WHY Bank.
I go to WHY Bank and offer them $1,000,000.00 for a building that is on their books for $4,500,000.00. They are short for their payment to the FED, and accept my offer. They even pay the local taxes, recording fee, and filing fees, with checks of course that the City is willing to hold for 60 days to keep the bank open.
They pay my $1,000,000.00 to the Fed on a re-financing of their loan.
I then sell my building to the local investment company where I sit on the board for just $1,050,000.00. I show a loss of the $4,500,000.00 on my taxes since I sold it for less than the tax value. I take my $50,000.00 and buy Gold at $1,100.00 per OZ from my friend the banker. Thats is 45 OZ of gold to me and the change to the banker under the table.
The investment company I sit on the board of offers the property to investors at the original $4,500,000.00, and I get a 10% commission because I brought in the property. ($4,500,000.00 %.1= $45,000.00) I buy 25,000.00 in shares of the building which I will sell later. Then I buy some more gold, and pay my Bankster a bribe.
Now look at this scenario from someone like George Soros, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, George Bush 1 & 2, BA Obama's point of view. I am helping the economy.
When we the people lose our savings in my Banksters bank, as he goes bust, we cry foul. Those guys call it lost opportunity.
When the 6th Ward was wiped out in Katrina most of those folks got payoffs to abandon their property. Go there today and you will see the Bulldozers rebuilding the land for those who have the money and bought into the redevelopment.
When most of the people have left Detroit the banks are still buying properties at pennies on the dollar.
It is all a part of the plan.
Move all of those ignorant hicks off our land and make way for our new world with them in camps and us on our kingdoms in the shires.