Originally posted by ConSigCor:
[b]House Bill Would Criminalize Satire of TSA

This means that my bullet riddled ATF baseball hat is OK. Right?

Sniper_7.62x51 wrote:
The Government is working over time to make Peaceful Revolution impossible so they should not be surprised when the Very Violent Revolution begins.

The First American Revolution was relatively bloodless, but I believe that the next American Revolution will be a lot worse then when we fought against the King and it will most likely rival or surpass the French Revolution in the loss of life, and brutality, both during the War and after we win the War.

.... A tall Tree, a Tall Horse and a Short Rope will have a part to play.

Personally I would prefer our enemies to expire under the Hooves of Horses, but a good hanging may have to suffice.

Every Militiaman and every other true Patriot should be taking names so when we win the coming War and WE WILL WIN, we will be better able to purge our Nation of all of it's enemies, and we must not show them any mercy.

Maybe we will get lucky and it will fail but if it doesn't well we will just be a little closer to the start of the Revolution.
Every Militiaman and every other true Patriot should be taking names Make a list and check it twice. That list will sure be a long one.

Rudy out
"Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Handgrenade is no longer our friend."