No matter what lies they spin, a soldier is just an expendable tool to the government. When it breaks they just toss it in the trash.

Remember this when a politician or media talks about the sacrifice our military makes for freedom blah blah blah. They all know it is just BS and talk. They do not care if 1 or 100,000 soldiers die to make them a couple more billion or enslave another people.

All the government really cares about is a steady stream of naive 18 year old kids fresh from 13 years of government indoctrination schools who will do anything they are told to without questioning it. That is the only way they can launch unconstitutional wars, burn churches and invade upon the rights of citizens.

And to think the beast gov brands people who support the constitution as "terrorists."

Rule #1 - You do not publically bad mouth a fellow patriot.

"Being innocent is simply not enough for the government," Denise Simon