Yes, Breacher, our biggest problem isn't the police state itself but the snitch. All those police state dickriders who leap through all the hoops, dot the I's cross the T's, put on the proverbial blackface and go "yassuh boss suh I get you some busts fo you."

Now, the dude wanting to get you or build you a suppressor or a machine gun, or a murder weapon, he's obvious. The not so obvious ones will want you to fill out that FFL, like if he wants you to buy from one of those snitch dealers, or get that registered machine gun or AOW-you get rejected and the BATFags come and bust you and the scumbag gun show owner gets a pat on the head and he can continue his "privleges" awhile longer. Try to tell them their usefullness to the beast will one day be at an end and they don't want to hear it.

Never talk about doing something. Either do or don't.

Be your own leader