H.R.3166;It's clear the law is meant to make all of us Legal Aliens.We didn't sneak in to America.We were born here and then they made us "NOT" Natural born residents.Like Obama,Osama or Odamna.That way we are here but,we don't "BELONG" here.Like the native tribes.If you don't legally recognize a people you can justify doing just about anything to them.Like stop them from moving freely on the land(TSA checkpoints).Or,put them on reservations(FEMA camps).And,if any holdouts(refusniks) don't go with the soldiers(get on the bus) you can just shoot them.finally,if any renegade alien people(Militia,their families and supporters) remain on the land you can destroy their homes and food supply.Until they come in or die.

Any one who claims to be a sovereign American.Or talks about freedom is now an enemy of the state.So it is the state that is alien to the Republic and is the enemy of the sovereign people of America and must be removed.

Gentlemen,prepare to defend yourselves.With your children at your feet!