The mil will fracture and some will join the sovereign American people...At first only the few like us.But,as the body count rises many more and they will all bring intel/tech/equipment with them.

As for the weatherman in the Airforce,he is either to low on the totem pole to know what's about to happen.Or,he's lying to he's fam to stay out of trouble.

A member of my network is related to an Airforce NCO.He was told to be ready to move quickly and go straight to Vandenburg,when SHTF.That's where the families of the few they need to pull this Shit of will go and be "SAFE".Also March and Edwards in my A.O.Both of the two later will be drone com/con centers.

We are north of 5m Militia trained over the entire U.S.A.Mostly vet's and those who train with them at an FTX.

30-40mil hunter/survivalist types with rifles and ammo.They are a reserve and untrained(NCO's will train them in the field as they arrive) but good shots.

230mil(180 mil with the letter(R)when they vote) registered gun owners.We'll see what they really stand for when SHTF.

8-10 billion guns(from 1860-2012)and many trillions rounds(1.5mil guns and 283 billion rounds bought between aug 08'-march 10').On the book since they start keeping track in 93',2.5 handguns for every man,woman and child in America.That's +800mil pistols that they know of.

These numbers are why the enemy is taking so long and building so much to face a mountain of guns/ammo.They can't win if we are backed by 2%(60mil) of the population.Last I checked we were supported by 25% in 2005.Thanks to BHO we may be at 45%(pole show 65% think the American people are targeted for destruction but aren't sure by whom)or more now.

Note:We don't need a majority,we are protecting the constitution and the sovereignty of the American people.Weather or not they agree (and most do or close enough).The facts are in and the evidence is documented by congress it's self.The government is the enemy of the constitution and there for the enemy of Freedom and Justice in America.