Everyone should be using Codes with their brothers in arms. Text a code whenever necessary to others in your militia network. Make sure they have your back. This will work great for a group of 3percenters.
Code 1: All is well
Code 2: Suspicious activity in my area. (all persons should be on alert status)
Code 3: There is definitely dangerous activity in my area. (all persons should have all gear loaded and ready to go on a moments notice)
Code 4: I am under attack by civilian entities. (all persons receiving the text should immediately get to that persons location, locked, loaded and ready for battle)
Code 5: I am under attack by government entities. (all persons receiving the text should immediately get to that persons location, locked, loaded and ready for battle)

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,...