I'm am sure the the powers in Washington have not been too worried about us. By that they think we have too much to lose to stand.
Well Mr. Washington man. We have been losing things for years and we have been patient, tried to see the good leaders and refrain from battle. because down deep we really love the people of this land and the freedoms we once had.
But you took and took and then took some more. we warned and warned. then yelled stop. But Sir you refused, you got a taste of power and began to believe we would not fight.
You were right for a while many had a lot to lose, homes, careers and family. but you took those too. Now what left for you to take?
Maybe others have something left to lose, but sir I don't you took my freedom once, you took my career once, you took all that I was willing to sacrifice without a fight.
Then one day in December my son was taken, my conscience, my friend, my reason for caution. Now try to take anything else. all have have left is fight come get some Mr. Washington man.
There are many men right now one loss away from my position sir......warning.... You drew first blood....

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf