Here is what we all have to understand.
The goal of the federal Reserve is like that of a mining company.
They dig out the big chunks of gold with shovels and trucks and haul it away, melt it into easy to store and hide bullion bars in another country.
Then they send in poor men, with smaller shovels, to dig out the small pieces. Since they know the men will steal a few pieces they charge them for Room, board, and food. Then put in Company stores, and company transportation back to civilization. This not only gets the stolen gold but most of the cost of digging it back.
In our land they tax the small pieces back on the promise of Social Security till death, and retirement plans that they expect to wash out before they have to pay through foreclosure.
The king of England gave up our nation after 1783 in return we borrowed 18 Million dollars from the Bank of England. That bank was and is owned by the Rothschild family banks. They sit on the board of the IMF who sits on the board of the Federal Reserve Corporation. SO they print our money and loan it debt free to European banks. When Sen Paul's audit caught them they pulled all of the money back bankrupting nations and banks that they closed and sold the assets for gold.
We are next. This Corporate Government took our land in 1863 and sold it 1973 to these banks.
Soon they will find a way to clean off the infestations of man from their land and sell it to someone else for more gold.
When the gold is all gone only the few will own the gold.
If you remember the Roman law:
slaves can only carry paper. If found with gold they can be killed or beaten.
The Cannon law allows this and so does English law.
Remember your history or Spartacus will be needed again.