I wasn't thinking WW2, but much more recent - Iraq. Iraq had a strong military, battle hardened and well equipped (not as well as Iran, but comparable given the time period). The similiarities of the two are astonishing... Radical Islamic leaders who dispise America, shun any effort of diplomacy and gives the middle finger to any UN resolution, saction or restriction. Remember, we went after Sadaam for his "existance of WMD's". Iran has publically stated they want Israel wiped off the map. Iran has nuclear capabilities and they are growing every day. Iran is violating countless UN resolutions and resisting economic sanctions - just as Iraq did. There is no doubt in my mind Iran will be attacked unless they back off. Just today, Iran again turned away weapon inspectors.. sound familiar? The only question is who will take the lead on this attack - the US or Israel.

I predict the "war" with Iran will be over in less than a week. They will have all nuclear capabilities destroyed - I don't believe it will be more widespread than that. The US doesn't have the stomach for it and Isreal doesn't have the manpower for a ground war far from their borders (they will be more worried of counter attacks from all sides as it is). The only question is - will other real powers rise up against the onslaught. (China, Russia, Korea). Those are the only true fears I have. - well, that and being blown up on my way to work in NYC as I pass ground zero every day. Until then, I'll keep my ammo dry and batteries charged...

Great thread we have here.. enjoying the convo! Thanks..
