
1.)Suppressed technologies like magnetic motors, and overunity energy sources, and even water to hydrogen conversion engines are suppressed because oil is a energy source that is tailor made to be made scarce and centrally controlled. In the early 1900's gasoline had competitors such as alcohol and steam engines; both allowing alternate sources to get around big oil. Big oil won out then, but we can reverse that now with this current awakening and take a chance to develop all kinds of alternative energy sources. We have our own power, it won't matter if the enemy makes their own power scarce.

2.)God, gods, and bibles. The reason there are so many different interpretations of the Bible is there are so many ways to look at it. How is that possible if the book had a consistent message? Answer: it doesn't.

The reason is the Holy Bible is a compilation assembled by a Roman Emperor as the holy book for Christianity to reunify the Roman Empire. Those components are the Hebrew Torah, the Four Gospels of Jesus, the numerous writings of Saul/Paul of Tarsus, a small collection of writings of Jesus' followers, and that apocalyptic drug trip known as Revelation of St. John.

The Torah deserves it's own topic but briefly it's made up of the Pentatuch; first five books of Moses, and then later chronicles. Now the first book, Genesis, is a highly edited and abbreviated retelling of ancient Sumerian creation texts-Sumer being the first civilization with surviving records. Genesis starts with Man being created to work for the god(s) then is expelled when Man got the knowledge of good and evil and was about to get eternal life-so the Elohim(gods)expelled Man. It ends with Abraham(Sumerian)was singled out by a god named Jehovah to... wage war after being goaded to murder his own son...

...anybody recall Jesus asking anyone to murder their son for them?

Anyway, the remaining books are about this Jehovah character making the Hebrews "his" people-ripping them from Egypt at great cost to the Egyptians, as in murdering all their firstborn children, plagues. Nice guy.

THEN this guy marches the Hebrews round the desert for 40 years to create a fanatical, insular, warlike tribe...

The OT doesn't improve from there.

Their neighbors had gods; all of them basically the same bad cast whose soap opera theatrics often came at our ancestors expense. Often. One time, two cities at the south end of the Dead Sea displeased them so they were destroyed... the area around Sodom and Gomorrah to this day has an unusually high radiation count.

The Indus Valley civilization where modern day Pakistan is has bodies in their blasted cities in positions of agony, the surrounding land with glassed sand consistent with nuclear detonations.

It takes a matter of faith to believe bronze age men could position the thousand ton stones of the Baalbek platform, the similar contructs of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the precision and mysterious construction and purpose of the Pyramids.

THEN the Bible goes in a completely different direction with the Four Gospels. Jesus did not drive a people into a desert for 40 years to create a pack of fanatics, nor destroyed cities nor used fear ad nauseum. Jesus healed the sick, preached, fought demons-instead of being one.

One time, some Disciples were on their knees praying to God-but Jesus stated that the god they were praying to was a murderer the devil and a liar from the beginning... He was referring to Jehovah, the Hebrew god mistaken for Our Father, the Creator of the Universe.

That is the fundamental flaw of Christianity.

Paul founded Christianity, not Jesus. Paul subverted Jesus' Gospel, twisting things about and if you actually take the time to compare (what little) of what Jesus said was in the four Gospels compared with every scrap of toilet paper Paul of Tarsus-the Pharisee-wrote there's more than enough to conclude Paul's full of shit. Even Peter warned of this guy being the deceiver!

Yet... you cannot build a slave religion on a message of universal brotherhood-no, you need some shyster preaching submission to authority and inequality, and salvation by faith...

Jesus, who came to Earth to free us, has had His name used to steal and murder more than any other in this planet's sorry history. Christianity is a great tool for instilling the proper slave mentality-one has to use a great deal of discernment to find this out.

Ask if it's Christianity, how come Jesus has so little of what He said saved but a blasphemer like a pharisee Jesus wouldn't waste a second in insulting or attacking has the bulk of the New Testament; enough so that an artificial tie is created with the Hebrew OT.

3.)Alien agenda... don't know if it's aliens or the illuminati, or both. The inbreeds take great care to "keep it in the family" in a geneaology that stretches back to ancient Sumer and Egypt... to the ancient kings.

Back in those days, the kings were the high priests, go-betweens and administrators to those crazy gods. One day they decide to disappear so they were left to rule on their own. Not wanting a good thing(for them)to go away they decide to start and keep a charade going whereby they are divinely ordained to rule by blood.

Now, they could still be in contact somehow, or they're truly been gone for awhile but these aliens who made us worship them as god would be a very useful meme to instill a new... to us... religion. The oldest religion: of aliens to use us as their playthings in their sadistic games.

Be your own leader
