There are a couple of thoughts that need to be rolled around in those heads along with these thoughts posted here.
What are you willing to give up to achieve freedom. TODAY
This is the decision that must stay fertile just behind our eyes in that hard rock of a head. When we are sitting in a traffic stop by a local yokel, and notice that he has a well dressed civilian in his jump seat what do you tell him, and what do you allow to pass?
When you are sitting on your front porch and notice a black crown Victoria with a dozen antennas doing slow drive bys on a neighbours house what do you do? Who do you call.
When you are checking out at God forbid Walmarts and notice a guy standing near the sporting goods displays with a cell phone taking pictures, what do you do or say?
There is no organization either in the freedom camp, or the oppression camps, that has all true members. In every case they belong for purely personal reasons. For some it is by coercion. For others it is by dedication to the cause. For even more it is for purely altruistic wealth accumulation.
When we call others names using the media inspired titles and curses we have to take all of this in to account.
There was only one man who ever walked on water. The rest of us must be satisfied if the water we walk in only gets up to a comfortable level.