That all works out great when the Constitution is adhered to and the govt isn't raping us of our hard earned dollars to purchase more power at our expense. This is done obviously by making as many as possible dependent on them and using OUR money to control their votes and buy ever increasing amounts of power to use against us.

Get rid of entitlements and I can do the one man, one vote bit. Until then, I am totally against it.

ALL entitlements are a violation of the Constitution through the 10th Amendment.

Nor does the Fed Govt have any constitutional power to involve itself in healthcare, education, etc.

Obviously, most people now think these are a good thing even though in every case it has been an abysmal failure.

Perhaps there should be a test required to vote.
Perhaps revisionist history and socialist indoctrination should no longer be tolerated in the schools.
Perhaps the Lamestream 5th Column shouldn't be a blatantly overt ally of the Soviet Kremlin.

Until those things happen, fuck the douchebags.

They don't give a damn about my rights and liberty, so I don't give a flying fuck about theirs. They can swim to Cuba or get sent to Hell for all I give a damn.

Actually, I do give a damn. I say start sending 'em now.

The War for America
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