We need to keep a few things in context.
1. Freedom without responsibility will always end in loss of the freedom
2. Liberty with out an agreed upon law form will result in chaos.
3. law without an agreed upon set of rights and responsibility will end up in either tyranny then anarchy or anarchy then tyranny.
Just like our Militias, nations are joined by every person for their own selfish reasons. While all have one thing in common, most have nothing in common.
In our founding days we started with a Constitution written by Hamilton and Jefferson. Hamilton was a representative of the Rothchilds bank of England. Jefferson was a member of the French order of the Rosicrucians. It ios rumored that Franklin was also.
In 1783 it was Benjamin Franklin ESQ, John Jay ESQ, and John Adams ESQ who by signing the Treaty of Versailles lost what we had spent so many men winning. This Land.
They, all being Bar Registered Lawyers signed th document even though in his description of himself the King claimed to be "Prince elector of the united states" before there was a united States.
Thus those who have studied deep into these times understand that there is a Con in Constitution.
It also explains Franklin's quote to a lady who stopped him one evening in Philadelphia.
She asked him "what type of governmnet have you selected for us?
his answer was "it is a republic. If you can keep it."
Was that because of what he had done or because of what he knew was to come.
These treaties with the King were not needed.
When General Washington received Cornwallis' Sword the land belonged to us by The law of Nations. When we accepted the description of the king as the Prince elector of the united States we gave it back to him with our own Constitution for the united States.