Hawk, I'm well aware that Mossad is not Iranian. See what Eagle said above. If Israel wanted to make it look like Iran attempted to murder the U.S. Secretary of State (but not actually murder her because she's an ally), then a "failed attempt" would be the way to go.

If it was Mossad, and if murdering Hillary was their objective, they would not have failed.

Commenters were pointing out how this is more theater than an actual attempt on her life. With Mossad and the IDF protecting her convey, the idea that a 1-liter Citroen could get close enough to her vehicle to shoot at it and then get away without being caught stretches the imagination. Much like the idea that Egypt would try to sink a U.S. Navy ship during hostilities with Israel; or that the Vietnamese, not wanting to give the U.S. an excuse to go to war against them, would fire a torpedo at a U.S. Navy vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin; or that the communists in 1933 Germany would burn down the only legal check on Hitler's power;... or that Iran would incite the U.S. to attack it by attempting to murder its Secretary of State.