Originally posted by North Force:
Man is this guy - Shooter - Doped Up. They are showing his first court appearance. He can hardly even hold his head up or eyes open. Looks like he has no idea what happened or what he did.

And he has not 1 but 2 public defenders "Helping" him.
It is a death penalty case, so they are obligated to put a relatively competent team of public defenders on it. People might bitch about the amount of money spent on the defense, but it is already going to be people who collect a paycheck for these sorts of things anyway.

News commentary on MSNBC is that the prosecution team put together for this one is specialized in Colorado for death penalty cases. They apparently work separately most of the time, but are brought together when the AG there wants to push for the death penalty.

They will most likely be going for the insanity defense (that's not hard to figure). I am going to be really really curious about this one and how it plays out, because another hunch about this one smells a little more like hocus pocus spiritual realm type stuff.

You compare this guy to a straight up demon-host like Richard Ramirez, Ramirez to this day looks like his demons are right in there. This Colorado shooter guy, crazy as a moon bat in earlier pictures (demon host), now is like "ohshitoshitoshit", like as soon as it was done making him do what he did, the demon bailed and watches him mockingly through the eyes and actions of other people.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.