Originally posted by ConSigCor:
[b]Obama decision puts America on trajectory toward financial mega-disaster[/b]
Well, yes. But the truth is, things would have been no different on Romney. Yes, the country is headed for a financial disaster. The last chance to do anything about it died with the Ron Paul and Gary Johnson campaigns. One way or another, the country is going to have to pay for its past mistakes.

The financial disaster of 2007 could have been a down payment, but we ended up borrowing our way out of that. How many more times can we do that? Not many.

But you know, when people look at Tuesday's election, they're looking at the wrong race. Obama won because there was no real difference between him and Romney. (Contrast that with the election of 1980,between Carter and Reagan. There was a real difference, and the election wasn't even close.)

But look at the election results that really mattered. There is a strong conservative streak that runs through both parties, and it seems like no one wants to tap into that.

I'm certainly no Republican, and I feel pretty dumb giving the GOP political advice. But it's time for the GOP to realize there is no such thing as big-government conservatism. If you're for bit government, you're not a conservative.

If the GOP wants to be voice for the future, it needs to get rid of the politics of Bush I, Bush II, Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. Give the boot to Karl Rove, Dick Morris, Sean Hannity, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Todd Akin.

You have people like Justin Amash, Jeff Flake, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Thomas Massie. And even Jim DeMint is coming over to our side. These are the people the GOP can win with. Quit trying to be like the other guy. Give the people a real, intelligent choice.

Gary Johnson got 1.0% of the vote, while being outspent nearly 700 to 1. Do the math.

UPDATE: Maybe I should give up free market anarchism and start a new career as a GOP consultant. Tim Carney just said pretty much the same thing I just did. though a little more eloquently.

...Populist movements in the past have often been ugly because they scapegoated vulnerable minorities. The new Republican populism shouldn't blame the "47 percent" of Mitt Romney's imagination, or immigrants seeking to make a better life. The new Republican populism should declare war on the cronies and special interests who use big government to rig the game in their favor and deny opportunity to those trying to climb the ladder and live the American dream.

It's time for free-market populism and a Republican Party that fights against all forms of political privilege -- a party that champions all who want to work and take risks in order to improve their lives and raise a family....
Onward and upward,