We get going, we cannot stop. We have to exterminate them down to the last jack booted thug, the last shyter lawyer, the last pedophile congresscritter, the last inbred psychopathic blueblood. Exterminate them, dispose of the bodies and wipe out every trace of their rule over us-their security grid, their lodges, their bunkers, their systems of control, their sacred places.

The Black Flag is the only way, to do any less will invite them to hide, bide their time and then our great grandchildren will have to deal with them.

We can win this, but cowering in some enclave in in your home praying they pass you buy and not force you into an Alamo or even worse, find out you really were a deluded coward is NOT the way. The enemy has been winning because they're devious, they take the initiative, they build alliances with what they term 'useful idiots'.

And no I ain't turning no guns over. Bullets on the other hand I'll be handing out at muzzle velocity.

Be your own leader
