This is where the whole Tzun Tzu strategic concepts run smack dab into European and middle eastern culture.

The various wars in Europe and the Middle East would be condensed into an allegory like Chess. Various moves get made, threats, counter threats, eliminations of opposition pieces, then it becomes pretty obvious that one side or the other must capitulate or face elimination.

The game has rules, and if someone breaks those rules, then the victory is not recognized. What happens when someone wins by dishonorable means? Nobody with a real sense of honor recognizes the legitimacy of the victory.

What happens when the "legal system" goes through a dishonest process to justify, make then enforce new laws? Nobody with any sense of honor will recognize that as legitimate politics. Not even the people doing it, and that's why they don't want cameras in courtrooms and judges want to avoid public supervision. Why cops don't like getting photographed unless they are dealing with the absolute lowest common denominator types.

If you think that hard core Marxists coming in the guise of liberals is bad, wait until you have hard core Marxists coming in the guise of corporatism, or fascism, or even "democracy". In the worst years of the Soviet Union, the Marxists were actually functioning in the guise of a constitutional republic.

Liberty is like the slut who puts out for every guy who takes her out for a good time. Sure the moralist will criticize her for being slutty, for diminishing the value of the enslaved wife, but even he usually knows where to stash that contact info for a guaranteed good time.

Liberals in the purest sense, are not the problem, and in fact can be relatively pleasant to deal with and live around, except that they will act as a host and vector to all sorts of social diseases. It takes a special breed of enforcer to handle those diseases, but only an idiot or sicko decides that "there must be no more slut".

Liberty is high maintenance, and that's just the way Liberty is. Liberty needs people looking out for her, and occasionally taking that predatory AIDS infected crack pusher out in the back woods and leaving him there.

This cult of the police state is the problem, and is a problem regardless of whether or not they have hooked up with Liberty, the moralist, the communist, or any other type of system out there.

The issue though, is sometimes you just have to let Liberty figure out that she picked the wrong guy when she hooked up with the abusive jerk and told her real defenders to take a hike.

Maybe it's not the best analogy, but personally, I don't see liberty or "liberals" as really the problem, but they have become so intertwined with the police state and abuses in the system that this whole thing needs to crash a bit before people recognize what they were being set up for.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.