And what we can't make and arm our own drones? We can't turn that same technological advantage into a disadvantage... You talk about 45 years ago, well our soldier in Vuetnam were better trained then our soldiers now, they rely on technology & without it they are lost.

Fine fight a guerrilla war and watch the drones launch a hellfire missile into a residental nieghborhood in the USA. Film it and draw them to attack their, when our ow government is responsibile for murdering civilians more civilians will step up to fight.

The rules have changed and we need to change with them. We need to develop and update our SOPs to be a full spectrum military operation and when we act we need to hit multiple objectives the same time or in sequences. Use tactical deception ambush an enemy patrol to draw QRFs and IRFs away from different targets.

How do you handle a patrol being ambushed, the IRF being ambushed enroute, the QRF being ambushed enroute to support the IRF and fighting too close to engage with a drone all the while the real target is a mortar strike on the Drone control trailer & the chew hall (poison the food).

So now you have sick soldiers, crashed drones & dead drone pilots. How will you respond the next time a patrol gets ambushed? What bring in UN troops and 3rd world soldiers, thats a joke... undisciplined scum who operate with brutality? That just formed a couple new cells for cannon folder.