This is why I have started advocating the whole "circle the wagons" thing this year more than ever.

What we have learned in the last year is that a bunch of the groups have been keeping files on each other, as soon as anyone gets in the least bit newsworthy, it's not just some self proclaimed "experts" that badmouth them, but quite often leaders of other groups. That's not even getting into this shit with Edog who seemed to grab hold of a few shreds of truth about some people, got to a point of being trusted in some intel matters and then used that as a springboard to try and call action against others within the movement. I am not deleting several of his posts because I want people to see the character of integrity that I got forced to deal with when I was working for free to try and work a solution to a legal situation several hundred miles away. I get blamed by the very people who disregarded what I told them to do, and on top of that got several bridges burned with some back door connections that I could have used more effectively in other cases, but now, some fucker is basically trying to put the hit on me and then the prick who was selectively saving ever PM, Email and hacking other people's stuff while selectively deleting an entire internet radio show because it did not go his way is trying to call shots against me. That said, as much as I dislike the fucker now, I am not speed dialing the feds about him. It is also why as much as I personally like some other people in the movement, I know that when it got to infighting among them, they were speed dialing LE against each other, and we just can't have that.

I am saying it now and will keep saying it until it sinks in, people need to get things figured now not later on who is who and who is to be trusted when things go down. You can make your own decisions on who is a traitor, hothead, or infighting troublemaker, on who is just plain lazy or less capable, who might be wise and helpful but over the hill.

The unity thing always will be elusive to some degree until the right kinds of leaders emerge, and even then, we have no real guarantees of who they are. Whenever we come up with what we think might be the model of the perfect leader is, someone like that turns up and turns out to be a total shithead. We can only hope the enemy has an equal or greater amount of dysfunctionality in their structure, and from what leaks out of things on their side, it is not perfect over there either.

I am approaching this all from the same standpoint that any honest law firm would approach it when the firm takes a side on a particular issue or group of issues. There just has to be a point when you have to break contact with other operations which are demonstrating a willingness to damage the whole for the sake of the few, or damage the few for the sake of self promotion within the whole, and to the detriment of what we are standing up to represent.

We are not on the unconditional love program here. It has not been that way toward our people, that's for sure. I mean, common sense people. I want to develop more cooperation and unity between the groups but even here in Oregon, with some of the very first people I made contact with and trained with, the very first shoot I went to, I had to find out months later, some fucker had been sneaking in with a hidden camera, photographed us, and filed police reports the very next day. I was the higher profile guy at the time, and who do the blame when the heat comes down? The retired cop filing reports on people and submitting photos to the feds, or the guy who had the high profile website? Why, the guy who had the survivalist website of course...the retired cops telling everyone the inside scoop of the way it really is...

This thing of ours will keep developing, and as it survives, I offer no guarantees of whether or not it will get stronger, but right now, it's all we have. We get laughed out of the courts, ignored in the elections, spit on as losers if any of our people lose a gunfight or outright surrender, called the dastardly crazy bad guys if any of our people win a gunfight, which even then half the time will get credited to an accident or extreme negligence on the part of the opposition operatives. What I am noticing though is the bullshit is dropping off, the deadwood is getting trimmed off, the traitors exposing themselves since their confidence levels are pretty high, and while I think we are fewer than before, a second generation of trained fighters is coming into play. A lot of ambiguity in this game has been settled out. Things that used to be hidden are now pretty obvious, and you don't even have to argue a lot of matters with people because the facts explain themselves.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.