Originally posted by Sniper_762X51:
Each day our prospects for victory diminish further. Almost nonexistent now.
You are wrong about one thing.

Our prospects are NOT Almost nonexistent now.

We still have a very good chance to win, if we don't give up and if enough people are willing to fight when they are finally pushed to the edge of the Bottomless Pit.

Regardless of how bad things are right now no ones going to fight until they are pushed to the edge and we are not there yet, very very close but not right at the edge. [/b]
I'm not wrong much. Maybe this time. Maybe, but I doubt it.

I'll still fight if we put one up. Yeah, you bet your ass.

However, the sad truth that almost none of you want to face is that it isn't your country anymore.
We lost it while we sat on our hands waiting for some perfect opportunity.

Look at the demographics of the last election and at what our immigration policies have been since the 60s.

We're fucked.

The situation isn't going to right itself. It could have only been done through warfare and bloodshed. Now, it's worse because we're even outnumbered.

They know they've taken your nation from you but none of you seem to have caught on. Part of the reason they have been so effective.

Victory isn't even really an option anymore.

All that is left is payback and that is a window that will close soon as well.

You guys just don't get it. Not most of you anyhow. Wishful thinking, I guess. Can't blame anyone for that.

I'm ready, as always.

The War for America
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